Photo courtesy of All Heart Photo and Video
About Us
Hi there! We’re Aaron and Shannon, the cooks behind Marguerite’s Cookbook. We are a husband and wife cooking/blogging team who love food, fun, and family. Shannon loves blogging, photography, and baking, and Aaron mostly just loves food!
We’re a cooking blog all about making and celebrating vintage recipes from a cookbook we inherited from our dear grandmother, Marguerite. Once a week we pick a recipe or two, cook it up, and enjoy together.
Aaron’s grandmother is the real life inspiration for Marguerite’s Cookbook. She was an incredible woman who did incredible things, the least of which was live to be over 101! Many members of Aaron’s family have great stories involving Marguerite, and her cooking. Family meals at her house were very special and always so delicious. That’s why we started this blog, to celebrate the recipes and memories she left us, as well as teaching ourselves (and you) how to make great food.